

This is a delicious Pissaladiére or oniony tart made like a pizza. It makes a great starter or lunch, hot or cold. Pissaladiére bears a striking resemblance to the Italian classic, both in looks and name.



Did you know: Originally made from the fry of sardines and anchovies, pissalat evolved into a pungent mixture of puréed anchovies flavoured with cloves, thyme, bay leaf and pepper and mixed with olive oil. Pissaladière can be made either with a shortcrust pastry base or more satisfyingly, with a bread dough base.

Pissaladière, a traditional French dish, traces its origins to the Mediterranean region, particularly Nice. Believed to have originated in ancient Greece, its name is derived from the Provençal word “pissalat,” which refers to a paste made from puréed salted fish. The dish gained popularity in Nice during the 19th century and has since become a cherished part of Provençal cuisine. Pissaladière typically features a thin crust topped with a flavorful combination of caramelized onions, black olives, and anchovies. Over time, variations of the dish have emerged, with some including tomatoes, herbs, or even cheese. Despite its Greek roots, Pissaladière has seamlessly integrated into the culinary tapestry of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, embodying the rich history and diverse influences that characterize the Mediterranean culinary heritage.

If you’re looking for more inspirational and tasty tuna recipe ideas, check out our complete range of easy to make tuna recipes.

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