Sardine tomato linguine with crunchy herb crumbs

Sardine tomato linguine with crunchy herb crumbs

A simple pasta you can have on the table in under 30 minutes, this sardine tomato linguine with a crisp golden herb crumb is affordable and made using ingredients you can keep as pantry staples.

Sardine tomato linguine with crunchy herb crumbs image

Sardines are a great source of protein to keep you feeling fuller for longer.

 Ashleigh Feltham (MNutrDiet)

A must-try pasta dish! Sardines are not only a great source of protein to keep you feeling fuller for longer they also help to repair all the cells in your body. Sardines are also a source of omega 3 fat. This type of fat is called polyunsaturated fat and is essential for a healthy heart and brain. It is linked to improved mood and supports your vision too. As an anti-inflammatory fat, it may also help reduce the effects of rheumatoid arthritis.

A can of sardines has around 300mg of calcium which is roughly the same amount as in a glass of milk. Sardines also have selenium which acts as an antioxidant to help keep your body healthy as well as B12 needed for a normal central nervous system function.

Extra virgin olive oil adds another healthy fat called monounsaturated fat. The omega 3 fat and monounsaturated fat both help your cholesterol levels stay more towards the ‘good’ HDL cholesterol and less towards the ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. On top of this extra virgin olive oil boasts over 36 different antioxidants to fight off free radical damage which can age and cause disease of the cells in your body.

Olives add additional monounsaturated fat called oleate to the meal. Olives are also a good source of copper which is needed for red blood cell formation and a healthy immune system and nerve cells. The healthy fats in this meal also have another important role, to help your body absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

As tomato passata is a processed tomato product, the lycopene is more bioavailable for your body. This antioxidant helps to keep your heart functioning optimally and for the gentlemen assists in keeping your prostate healthy. Garlic will help your immune system stay strong thanks to a compound called allicin. Basil and parsley add additional vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to the meal and not just flavour.

If you chose to add the anchovies these little nutrition gems add more omega 3 fat and phosphorous and calcium for bone health. Also, iron to allow oxygen to be transported properly throughout your body. This pasta dish is clearly a must-try if you are keen to look after the health of your body as well as satisfy your taste buds.

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