Tuna zucchini patties

Tuna zucchini patties

So easy to make, low in carbs and high protein, these tuna zucchini patties are not only good for you, they make and absolutely delicious! A perfect quick meal for the whole family.

Tuna zucchini patties image

These patties are a great way to use up those excess summer zucchinis you may have in the veggie patch.

Fish adds a health kick of omega 3 fat needed for optimal brain, heart, and artery function. 

 Ashleigh Feltham (MNutrDiet)

These tuna zucchini patties are a must-try. The star of the meal is the Tuna Pouch with Oil Blend. This fish adds a health kick of omega 3 fat needed for optimal brain, heart, and artery function. As an anti-inflammatory fat, it may also help reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Adding to this benefit is tuna which is a source of haem or animal iron. Iron is important for your body to transport oxygen. Keeping your central nervous system functioning well is vital and vitamins B12 and choline in the tuna will help do this. Choline also helps to look after the health of your brain and B12 helps your body make red blood cells and make DNA.

Cheese adds additional B12, choline, protein as well as iodine and selenium for a healthy thyroid which will help your metabolism function. Cheese is a great source of calcium which helps your muscles to contract normally as well as keep your bones and teeth strong. Adding to these benefits is cheese which is a source of vitamin A which supports your immune system function and helps to keep your eyes working well.

Zucchini helps you feel fuller for longer with fibre and this also supports a healthy gut. Also providing additional vitamin A and C for immune support and manganese needed to create strong bones. The chickpea flour will add an additional dose of fibre and protein to help keep you full. Adding a big seal of approval for pumping up your immune system is the allicin in the garlic and antioxidant quercetin in onion. These patties are clearly a must-try, why not today?

Did you know: Chickpea flour or besan is made from the ground pulse. Popular in Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi cuisine, the gluten-free ingredient is a delicious alternative to plain flour. Use besan as a batter, a tasty thickener in soups, or a binding agent for fritters and meatballs. Source: SBS

If you’re looking for more inspirational and tasty tuna recipe ideas, check out our complete range of easy to make tuna recipes. 

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