If you want to lower your blood pressure without harsh restrictions, try adding these five nutrients into your diet.
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How to Lower Bad Cholesterol with Vitamin D
To achieve healthy cholesterol levels, a whole lifestyle approach is best. While no single nutrient can create optimal cholesterol levels, ensuring you are getting enough vitamin D is an important component of attaining healthy cholesterol levels.

HDL Cholesterol Promotes Better Muscle Function
HDL is a type of cholesterol known to support heart health. HDL may also allow mitochondria in muscle cells to function optimally and increase your ability to exercise. Maintain a lifestyle and diet that promote optimal levels of HDL cholesterol — you may gain an extra spring in your step.

Cut cholesterol with this powerful swap
High cholesterol can negatively impact your health if there is an imbalance of too much ‘bad’ low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides and/or total cholesterol.

An easy swap to help reduce your triglyceride levels
Heart disease is still the number one killer in Australians. Eliminating all fat is not the answer. Reduce your triglyceride levels instead.

4 Key Foods to Promote Optimal Health After Menopause
Health After Menopause. It is normal for your body to change and part of the joy of life is learning to adapt to meet these changes.

Crushing the Afternoon Munchies on A Paleo Diet
by Ashleigh Feltham Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist You have hit the 3:30 pm mark during your busy day and want to know how to satisfy the munchies while looking after your health while following a paleo diet. A paleo diet is one with lean protein like seafood, eggs, seeds, nuts, vegetables, fruits, extra […]

How to follow a low carb diet
by Ashleigh Feltham Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist If you want to follow a low carb diet, there are better ways than others. There are potential health benefits to a low or lower cab diet such as reduction of weight if obese or overweight and improvements in control in type two diabetes. The key […]

The compounding health effects of Seafood
by Ashleigh Feltham Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist The function of your body is a highly tuned system and the health effects of seafood are well documented. When one function becomes dysfunctional it can have a ripple effect. The condition known as metabolic syndrome is an example of this. Metabolic resistance includes having high […]

The immediate effects of your choice of fat on your body
by Ashleigh Feltham Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist Have you ever considered the meal you just consumed has immediate effects on the health and function of your body? When you eat, the effects of breaking down the meal causes an inflammation in your body called postprandial inflammation or post-meal inflammation. The composition of […]

Help lower your cholesterol with these easy tips
by Ashleigh Feltham Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist If you are one of the 1.6 million people in Australia who have been told you have high cholesterol you may think that cholesterol is always bad. What you may not know is that you need cholesterol for a healthy body. Cholesterol forms the main structure […]

Support optimal brain artery and heart function
by Ashleigh Feltham Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist Pesto in pasta is always a winner but adding Safcol Salmon makes it even better! To support optimal brain, artery and heart function, omega 3 fat is an essential part of the diet. Safcol Salmon in Springwater ticks this box in this delicious pasta recipe. Salmon is also a good […]