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Dry eyes from prolonged screen time

Dry eyes from prolonged screen time

by Ashleigh Feltham Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist Are you looking at a screen for most of your day? The average person spends over 10 hours looking at a screen. The consequence for most is dry eyes and reaching for the nearest eye drops for relief. There is another way to help your eyes […]

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Six Foods for Healthy Nails, Hair, and Skin

Six foods for healthy nails, hair, and skin

by Ashleigh Feltham Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist Do you like the look and feel of healthy hair, skin, and nails? You may not know that the look of your nails, hair and skin is largely an inside job and is determined by the foods which you eat. Below are 6 foods you should […]

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How to Improve Your Health and Increase Your Lifespan!

How to improve your health and increase your lifespan!

by Ashleigh Feltham Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist   There are endless articles talking about superfoods, but have you considered targeting specific foods containing a healthy enzyme to increase your health and potentially your lifespan? Nicotinamide Riboside (NAD+) is an enzyme that plays a role in potentially increasing both these factors. Studies have shown […]

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Fish during pregnancy

Fish during pregnancy – Debunking the common myth

by Ashleigh Feltham Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist You are not alone if you feel uneasy about eating fish during pregnancy. The good news is fish and seafood are still on the menu during your pregnancy! Seafood contains many important nutrients like iron, protein and omega-3 fatty acids which support the health and growth […]

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The elixir for a youthful skin

The elixir for a youthful skin

by Ashleigh Feltham Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist You are not alone if you are in the pursuit of an elixir for youthful skin. Skin does lose its elasticity and gravity does have more of an effect on your body as it ages. The good news is one of the ways to keep your […]

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Iodine. The mineral you need to know about

Iodine. The mineral you need to know about

by Ashleigh Feltham Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist Do you know why your body needs iodine? It is an easy mineral to miss but it plays many important roles in your health. From the moment life appears as a foetus, iodine is vital. It supports normal growth and development of tissues and the central […]

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You are one mouthful of seafood away from a good mood

You’re one mouthful of seafood away from a good mood

by Ashleigh Feltham Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist You have probably heard the phrase that you are what you eat. To expand on this analogy your mood is affected by what you eat. Have you ever thought that the burger, chips and a coke from the local fast-food restaurant were a good idea, but […]

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