If you dread that time of the month, try increasing your intake of omega-3 as well as thiamine, calcium and magnesium to reduce the discomfort associated with period cramps. Fish oil helps reduce period pain and duration.
Tag Archives | Menopause

The Link Between the Gut and Women’s Health
There is an intricate connection between gut and vaginal health. Your lifestyle choices, particularly your diet, heavily impact your gut microbiome health. For a healthy gut and vagina, ensure that you feed your gut microbiome with foods containing prebiotic fibre to keep both organs in optimal health.

4 Key Foods to Promote Optimal Health After Menopause
Published on September 21, 2021 | in Cholesterol, Foods, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Physical Health, Women's Health By safcol |
Health After Menopause. It is normal for your body to change and part of the joy of life is learning to adapt to meet these changes.